Men's Field Lacrosse

Men's Field Lacrosse is played outdoors on a 100m x 55m field. Teams consist of 10 players of a team roster of 20-23 players. The team on the field consists of goaltender, attack(3), midfielders(3) and defense(3). In the Nova Scotia Field Lacrosse League, both male and female can play in the league.

Men's Field is very similar to Box in the fundamental skills of passing and catching, and the physical nature of the play. The games differ in the style of play and strategy. There is no controlling shot clock in Men's Field and the game is more strategic and relies more heavily on possession and control of the ball.

Every four years the International Lacrosse Federation holds a World Championships at the Junior and Senior levels. Canada is traditionally locked in a battle of supremacy with the United States and Australia. Recent years have seen the emergence of Asian participants and the expansion of the game in Europe.

There is a large cross over between the Men's Field game and the Box players. We are working hard to grow the Men’s Field game.  Nova Scotia Field Lacrosse League has dedicated volunteers providing skill development and game play. 

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